Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Not like my father

“Thanda choru, Thadi Madu, Mundam! You are not useful for anything”

Hello, if you are wondering about these then you are not from this area. I got used to this kind of yelling by now and my neighbors too know who it is targeted at. Without confusing you further let me tell you. This is my father’s day to day morning ritual. He is upset about me about something.

To tell you the truth, I am fed up of it now. I can tell you this, I HATE my father. If there is one thing I am sure of in life, it is that I am not going to be like my father.

Today’s issue started like this, he came home with a recommendation letter for me to get a job as accountant in a local farm. Can you believe that? Asking a B.Com student (with Honors) to be an accountant at local farm. I said NO of course and he is upset. He started talking about how son’s where during his time. And, how he was penniless and made it up slowly. Yada..Yada..yada!
My point is why is it so difficult for him to understand that I have my own life? I made up my mind that day, I am going to get out of this house and make my own life. It may be rough road, but I don’t have to listen to my father’s constant yelling.

I can’t believe it is been 25 years since I came out of house. Life was very fast and fun. I struggled and then made it up in a company and started 3 companies during these 25 years. And today too, we are starting our 4th company as it is auspicious day.

My wife just told me that my son has gone to play some stupid local tennis tournament, so can’t attend this function.What does he thinks of himself? He doesn’t know how difficult it is to come up in life.

“Stupid, Fool, Idiot”

This is a rough (bad) translation of my first short story in Tamil. It is called "Appa poll illai". I wrote this long back in 5 minutes and thought I have become a writer.

Never read any good short story till that point I guess. The more I read, more I realise about the problems. I could see it is jumpy and cliched to certain extent.

But again, it is my own and that gave an immense satisfaction. (Trust me it is slightly better in Tamil)


Suresh Sankaralingam said...

Great Story... I like the genuineness of the situations. I am sure many people would have experienced similar situations. What goes around, comes around in a different form... that seems to be the reality of life. I had the privilege of reading and cherishing your Tamil Version several years back, and no wonder, it has come back in a better form as well..:)...

Survivor said...

I can easily imagine this story being written in Tamil . This is very similar to the short stories in Kumudam,Ananda Vikatan etc.

sdpal said...

I remember reading this story in tamil. I was betting sriks, if he could write a story in five minutes he did (to my surprise). I wonder if he had saved that paper.

Manohar said...

So who gets credit- Sriks are Shanky for this story?