Thursday, August 28, 2008

I found this amusing piece of news today:
A Bollywood movie names "Hari Puttar" is scheduled for release. Puttar, as in 'Son' in Punjabi, and Hari - the usual Hari. Guess what Warner Bros is suing about? It sounds like Harry Potter!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Dark Side of Youtube

I recently came across this video on Youtube.

Obviously, the professor dropping his pants was certainly off limits. But what about the lady professor? Was she not off limits? But even more dangerous is the fact that this exchange was filmed and pushed it out on Youtube. Imagine somebody recording a chit chat session where you make fun of say your manager (not intentional but just for fun) or recording an ugly scene in office and putting it on youtube. Would you actually enjoy that? As the professor himself said "...what one needs to think of is how comfortable you would be if the worst eight minutes of your life is recorded and put in the public domain...". A very valid concern I would say. Any thoughts????

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Leap_Yearly Affair

It happens every leap year without fail. There is a sinking feeling, a feeling of great shame. As the second most populous nation in the world marches into the Olympic arena along with every other countries (some hitherto unheard of), the Indian in me cowers. I know of the feeble attempt we will manage, and feel terribly sorry to see the tiny contingent who has made it to the Games.

What do we lack?Political will for sure. The making of Sports as an industry for another. Sports have to be made enticing enough to want to make people pursue them as a career. The prime-time in the life of an athlete is a short span, and if the industry surrounding this spurt does not sustain such talented individuals, few people would make the choice. There have to be careers for those who excel - as trainers, as team co-ordinators, as people who can be given the responsility to contributing to decisions in ways that touch not just their lives, but those of others who have the honor of representing the country. Cricket has achieved that, and I think it should be the same for other arenas too.

Brainwaves and I were chatting about this, and one viable option would be to have a roadmap to win 5 medals in the next Olympics, and then make a career path for aspiring athletes. Make the infrastructure ready and available, hone skills and inspire people to succeed.

It is not difficult to achieve once the commitment is made, just difficult to overcome the reluctance to commit.