Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Caveman to Human to Intelli-Blob

I always wondered what is going to happen to "Humans" in the future. Are we going to evolve or are we going to be "Humans" always. I was convinced that since humanity can express and think there will be changes but there will not be any major change. But I had this interesting discussion which proposed a possibility of future species, I called, Intelli-Blobs. (It has to be little derogatory because how can they can be better than US)

I had this discussion with my colleague. It started like any other engineering talk, first about work and then about technology. Then we entered into the topic of IP-TV. For those who haven't heard this term, it is providing TV channels through DSL/telephone lines. Ultimate idea was to provide on-demand TV (watch exactly what you want and when you want).

For those who are yawning by now, I want to let you know that this discussion turned into social issue rather than technical, so read along.

Well, my friend's (let us call him J from now on) argument was, with human race getting what they want and when they want, they may demand the same kind with other relationships and other services and which may cause big (and bad) impact on society.

I counter argued that saying, Society have always been that way. I told him our parents would have said same thing about cable TV spoiling people. He came back with argument that may be we are slowly crossing the threshold and on-demand may tip the balance and make people unproductive. He quoted how badly TV and Video games affects society. Accepted and Agreed.

But again I said, don't you think you are being too pessimistic to say this will spoil the world. It could cause little harm but society will be self regulating. Example: Me watching an addictive show called 24 and realizing it and getting out of it before 2nd episode. I was self regulating.

But, by now I realized that my friend had a point, even this show made me less productive next day because of fatigue. And I could get only 2 discs from Netflix a week.

What if, if I could get 24 hours of it in one shot, won't I watch the entire episode in one shot?
If so, wouldn't it affect my work or my family life?
What if, I had all the channels that I want and like at my disposition?
Will I be interested in going to real world and face real people and real occasions where I have only 50% chance of fun opposed to 100% guaranteed "fun".

Well I am not going to give up so easily, so, I said, but we will be bored soon and get back to our routine or our family and friends will drag us out of our homes.

Note: We both agreed and redefined the premises. Taking me or him as an example is not correct. We are not TV buffs. But same cannot be said about millions of Americans (now that I think about it, millions of Indians too). We should consider average Joe here (no no.. I am not talking about the reality show :) )

Anyway moving on, J said, there are reports about families get irritated with each other for spending too much time on TV even now. Well, that is true. How many times I got irritated because my mom doesn't want to come out of the house during "Metti Oli" time?

And to my "getting bored after a while" point, the program makers understands the psyche of customers/viewers and make programs more and more addictive (or interesting) to not let you go. May be there are some devil psychologists helping them to come up with innovative or more perilous idea. And that can make us addict for ever. You may be bored with Sitcom and switch to Thrillers to Romance to Porn (yeah! - now I have your attention huh?) to ...(well you get the idea right).

We also talked about 2 way role playing games which are very popular these days and I read somewhere that in Korea people buy online homes. No! Not buying homes online but buying virtual homes and buying furniture for that online home with real money. (Beats me too)

This proves people may lose human interaction and socialization because of getting all they want and where/when they want.

(Our discussion meandered more around this area)

I then turned the table and asked, what is wrong with that. Meaning, what if, Caveman comes to us and asks why are not you not killing with your own hands and eating them raw with your appendix? Are you not weak in getting every meat you want and when you want (thanks to 24 hours stores)? Isn't it the same kind of question we are asking the future-ites. (On-demand-technology using, socializing-through-computer people)

Then we started visualizing how they will look. Since they don't need legs and they need more brain to think and innovate (More and more on-demand things of course), they may look like big blobs who can think well. So, I christened them Intelli-blobs. (Now you know where I got the title from)

I know this is not going to happen in near future, but it certainly opened a new possibility how the technology we create today can change human (?) race in the future.

Now that I thought too much about it and typed this whole thing without moving from my place, my legs are shrinking and my hands and brain is swelling. I got to get up and walk a bit to become normal. :)

P.S: I wish I had a recorder to capture the content and open it for another debate among us.


nourish-n-cherish said...

Totally agree about the excessive
TV viewing part of it! How many times have I stopped mid-sentence while you are watching TV, and did not have you notice it??!!!

Suresh Sankaralingam said...

Quite interesting... Evolution has always been one of my favourite topic. An addendum that I could think of this. In the macroscopic view of things, I think, as we evolve, we get more selfish, like to be more lonely and are highly selective in our relationships. I dont know if technology drives it or the other way around. I think the only thing that bonds people is the "making of money". If we dont have to make money OR can make money without interacting with others, then, I can see the evolution of intelli-blobs. Taking it one step further, assuming normality in the distribution of intelligence and availabilities, there will be a coexisting race of different kinds of humans with different kinds of features, with intelli-blobs on one end and dumbi-freaks on the other..:)

Survivor said...

Hmmm..This is an interesting topic for sure.In my opinion, human evolution and technology evolution are two different things. Yes..they do affect each other and may even result in intell-blobs, assuming we are talking of a couple of centuries here. From the books that I have read, human evolution involves more spiritual learning and understanding,as we may have all the luxury that we want and start thinking about life seriously.
I guess thats a whole new topic..huh?

BrainWaves said...
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bumblebee said...

Part of your writing struck a chord with me. Yes, we mostly can get things we want when we want them. It was not like that for me growing up. I remember I had to be on time for dinner (if I wanted dinner), had to get home before the deadlilne every day, things like that. It was not military rule, but quite close :-)

I don't however see the need for that discipline any more. So what if we cook dinner at 8:00 pm and eat at 11:00 pm? We'll still survive. So what if we have to run to the store at the middle of the night because there was no coffee for the morning, thanks to the 24 hour super walmart! We don't plan our purchases like our parents did. We forget more than they do(Or maybe thats just me). We do laundry just before we leave for work, because we just realized there are no more clean clothes! (or just pick the t-shirt at the bottom of the unwashed hamper, thanks to deodorants).

Life still goes on. But sometimes I wonder if the lack of discipline has other consequences. Should we have more contingency plans? Well, maybe not. Because, I think, we have learnt not to sweat the small things. I feel it has made us more adaptable and tolerant, not spoilt. Our priorities are different from those before us, but I am glad about that.

Maybe I departed from your train of thoughts and found my own train!!

BrainWaves said...


You idea about co-existing different degree of intelligent creatures is certainly possible. But again, as now, there is a possibility of intelligent & powerful exploiting the others and gradually extint them is there.


That is new perspective which I did not think through before. But here is a open ended question, do you think caveman to human happened because of better understanding of self (internal) or better understanding of power we had because of our innovations? (external)


Definition of "Discipline" are ever changing. But the bottom line is are we shreking our responsibilities as individuals. I don't think so, I believe you are getting more and more accountable which will slow our destruction for sure.

On the lighter side, if our hostel said, you won't get dinner if you miss the time, most of the students would have missed. don't you think? (except for people like me)

Survivor said...

Thats exactly my point. All these days we have been looking only at external evoultion because caveman had the necessity of technology to make things simpler to come all this way.
Now that we are almost in the apex of technology, time to look inward and evolve .