Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Tipping point?

Since the topic of tipping has in a way been like the tip of the iceberg. Here is some information about tipping. Starting from the history of tipping- to what makes people tip more- to current tipping customs in different countries- to what services require tipping- to the tip of the world.

A curious snippet nestled somewhere in the link above: servers pay taxes on 8 percent to 10 percent of their total receipts, not the actual amount of tips they earn. If you don't tip them, they are actually losing money because they're paying taxes based on the amount of your meal. The management works under the assumption that most people tip 15 percent to 20 percent. This makes it easier at tax time, but it's bad for the waiters if they have a lot of customers who don't tip..


Survivor said...

I didn't read the link....but after reading your snippet, one thing is very clear..If I want to be a waitress,I have to do some reasearch to make sure I join one where there are rich customers ...or I better find some other job..:-)

Suresh Sankaralingam said...

The link is pretty informative...Especially, about the statistics on tip increase based on the server's act...:)

Regarding the snippet, I am still not sure why an underpaid waiter/waitress is my problem... I am not sure why they are the only community that need to be highlighted and accounted for... Hypothetically, if no one pays their tips, wouldnt the restaurant industry clean up their salary structure, or in other words, wont these so called "poor" workers quit their job and go on to take other jobs...

Manohar said...

@mindframes: This link was for trivia not to debate the issue of tipping.

But to answer your comment. true and yes your point about perforamnce holds true for anybody in the service industry. I think the reason tipping becomes such hot topic is that we are expose to it almost everyday in almost every way

while your point is valid that if no one pays their tips the industry will change its salary structure- but in a way that amounts to cheating (loose use of the word- not meant literally- since obv its not illegal to not tip). Instead, my position is boycotting will have the same effect- if everybody didn't go to restaurants and the reason given is people want the salary structure to change- again the result is the same but is done without breaking the unsigned contract of give me service and i will pay you gratuity.

Manohar said...

@mindframes point 2: If you don't drop this topic now- I will push you over the mountain side on our next trail run--- i promise

Suresh Sankaralingam said...

if you push me over the mountain..who will save you from the mountain lions..:)..hope you checked the news about mountain lion in bay area..

Manohar said...

damn!! On one side there are snakes and on the other mountain lions. Stuck between a rock and a hard place- the only person who can even remotely assist has horns.... :)