Sunday, October 01, 2006

Parking buddy

I parked my car in front of Party America & Linen things to let my wife shop and decided to watch my sleeping kid. I parked right in front of this dark blue BMW. Then I saw him. He looked like an Italian from distance. Or is he Middle Eastern I thought to myself? Through two car windshield it is little difficult to figure out. He must have been there for a while.

First two minutes was casual I was setting up the CD and making myself comfortable. And I am sure he was half expecting me to get down and go shopping. Then I can see he getting little curious to find out why there is another soul doing the same thing. He must have got an answer after seeing the kid in the backseat. We said our head-nodding acknowledgment to each other.

After few minutes of listening to the CD and I glanced to my buddy. He was trying to change station to keep him occupied. He must have seen me glancing, he started calling his wife. Of course, I don't know who he was calling, but again, he was trying to prove he is getting out of this parking lot anytime now.

After some exchanges in cell phone he decides to find his solace in Cigarette. "Don't smoke in BMW buddy" I said in the confines of my car. His wife must be a big-time shopper I thought to myself. She certainly must be in Linen & Things and definitely not in Party America. His looks at me suggested he is thinking the same about me. I inadvertently looked at the Party America store to check whether my wife is back may be a feeble attempt to convey my wife is not shopping like his (!!).

Finally I decided to recline the seat to put it in sleeping position. After another 5 minutes my curiosity got better of me. I peeped to see the status of my buddy. He was getting restless. And my peeping did not help his cause. He looked away.

After what seemed like an eons, his wife (must be) walked with clear head scarf. I knew he was Middle Eastern guy I told myself! He was already in reverse gear and ready even before her wife stepped in and closed the door. Just before he left, my buddy gave, what I thought, a small victorious grin!


nourish-n-cherish said...

Oh well.......Had I known, I wouldn't have let that Middle-eastern lady at Party_america step right ahead of me with the cart :)

Though you made it sound like you "Lost" the waiting game, he was ALREADY there when we came there. So, you have no method of knowing how long he was at the Parking lot to decide the winner!

Survivor said...

My oh my ! If I had been in your position,I would have been very uncomfortable. Wonder how it would have been if there had been a pitbull facing you from the other car !;-)

BrainWaves said...

Ofcourse I exaggerated a bit to make things interesting.

And yes Saumya, I assumed that he spent more time on that parking lot and he knows too. But again, cheap victories should not be analyzed.

Suresh Sankaralingam said...

I could imagine Larry David playing your role in the car... I was thinking of a strategy. What if, we call our better halves and let them know about the impending competition. It might get things to be wrapped up sooner, and we shall enjoy the double excitement of winning the buddy in the adjascent car and as well reduce the wait time in the car...;)

sdpal said...

Waiting outside, while the wifey shopping. I dont know how you do that.. (I understand now, the difficulty, when the baby is sleeping). But still, I cant sit quiet..

Mad Max said...

cheezz waiting while the wifey is shopping...hopefully i never have to do that...i hate the waiting game...unless of course the grass is green on the other side (lol)...

nourish-n-cherish said...

Just you wait Mad Max! Just you wait :))

Mad Max said...

@ Saumya: thats really sounds ominouss lol

BrainWaves said...

I can forgive Madmax, bcoz he is newly married.
But not sdpal.. is a big circle :)

Meera Manohar said...

Sdpal--I feel bad saying this but I just can't pass up on this one. So here I go:
"We'll get to see in a while where you sit and what you do" :)

Madmax-- welcome to the world of hope and betrayal.
Hope: "u wish u didn't have to wait it out in the parking lot"
Betrayal:"when you realise it not too far from now"

*holding 2 fingers--Peace*