Sunday, August 06, 2006

Power of Human emotions

"Will you cry when your mom leaves this afternoon"? Saumya asked me late this morning. My mother gazed at me for an answer and I said "I don't think so-- guess I am past all that" . Now, that having been said we moved on to other important topics including Keena's day care, work and the likes.

Our planned trip to the airport was fairly routine with packed suitcases filling in most of the automobile that was to ferry us to the "hawaai jahaaju" docking station aka airport. The 40 odd miles went by in a jiffy with constant rear view checks and changing lanes to avoid being tailgated!

Checking in was a breeze. All bags were within the recomended weight allowances. I could see my dad's external temperature come down to the normal temperature of 98.4 F once the bags were found hanging onto dear life on the airline's rather huge weighing machines.

We munched on some mundane fries and roti prata while we waited for them to check in. Time now was 3.30 PM. We walked them over until the security check. We went over a routine ticket/passport check and they were set.

Hugs were exchanged. When it came to my mom and I, I noticed a small change of expression on her otherwise sublime calm face and I felt a lump. Little did I realise that tears were stinging my cheeks until I was almost blinded by it. We managed to break the embrace and off she strided inside. However I could see her smiling again before she had even reached the start of the x-ray belt.

I thought I wouldn't shed pearls and probably so did my mom, but then all it took was a routine parting which has taken place over and over in the past.... but still

A look and a tear had done it all.

Err... so what was the question again Saumya??


nourish-n-cherish said...

Why is it so familiar :)

I am sure your house feels empty suddenly - SIGH! The pain of separation!

Hope you feel better soon.

Meera Manohar said...

I guess denial plays a more important role that we would like to give it credit for!

I am already feeling excellent now.. thanks :)

Suresh Sankaralingam said...

"Anbirkum undo Adaikkum Thaazh - Aarvalar
punkanneer poosal tharum"

Is there any fastening that can shut in love ? Tears of the affectionate will publish the love that is within.

Survivor said...

Human emotions are indeed powerful especially when they are spontaneous.A tear or a smile when you least expect it makes a huge difference in life.

BrainWaves said...

If you draw graph between parting feeling vs age, then it may look lke a inverted bell curve.

My mother who breathed a sigh of relief when i left US years back has different feeling in my recent visits.

My little observation.

Manohar said...

@sriks: only u could bring a bell curve into this discussion and that too an inverted one.

that apart... suddenly i had two women sobbing next to me and people were looking rather hard at me- like they where thinking 'Dude- what did u do now?'. I ofcourse have to be given due credit for whistling, acting casual and inching away... j/k

sdpal said...

(Waaahhh... I want mommy!)
Damn it meera.. you made me cry..!