Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Leave me alone..!

Recently, my pregnant wife was diagnosed with pregnancy
related diabetes (thanks to those overworking pregnancy related hormones!)
Started dieting (with her) to find out food which wouldn't shoot
up the blood sugar level. I know most of the Indian food were rich
in carb. But damn it, all the food we were eating so far, had Carb.
That too, "unga veetu Carb, enga veetu Carb ellai.." totally Carb. Everywhere
Carb. Carb.. carb.. carb.. everyday. Even one slice of whole wheat bread,
will shoot up the blood sugar level. (She had to test after breakfast, lunch and dinner)
No milk.. No curd or yoghurt. No cereals. No corn. No idli or dosa..
Anything which is white or similar color. No no.
Anything, which is green "Yes, yes".
Chappathi is ok. But, not too many (that too has carb). So, maybe one is ok.
Shes allowed to eat fatty foods though (Egg, butter etc stuff
ok). Its really difficult for a person, who dont eat meat.
Now, I feel bad for those people, who have high-cholestrol with diabetes
Unfortunately, my better-half hates vegetables and needles. But now, no other choice.
Although, she had a really difficult time at first.. now she has started
enjoying (really veggie food). Found out variety of stuff with vegetables, that she can enjoy.
Btw ladies, I kneel down before you, for all the sacrifices you make, to bring a life to this mother earth.
Our dietician said "Just because, you dont eat meat doesn't mean, you are a vegetarian. You need to eat vegetables, for it". I can say "Well said..", since it was directed toward us.. with embarassment, we said "Yeah.. hee.. hee....thats right".
Recently, was reading some article, which says "Dont drink cold water, after the meal. The coldness in the water kinda slows down the digestion, because it solidifies the oily content in our food.. which can cause you....." Stop it. Leave me alone.
Im not going to read any more diet related articles.
Knowledge is power. But, too much knowledge ? Hmm. mmm. Nah!


Suresh Sankaralingam said...

I have a lot of experience, like most of us, in reading dietary guidelines. Bottom line is this, be sensible on what you eat...Anything that tastes realllly good is not good for health..:).. So, eat them in moderation...

nourish-n-cherish said...

Sdpal......I have an aunt who douses everything with ghee, and hands you tons of it to "taste" - when we try explaining cholesterol to her, she has a simple explanation: "Swami prasadam: adhula cholesterol ellaam irukaadhu! " Sometimes, ignorance is blissful to the taste buds!

BrainWaves said...

When I was not fond of sweets and ice-cream, I used to wonder what is big deal about dieting!

Now, I realised it is NOT easy :)

bumblebee said...

I don't think the sacrifice ends there. In fact it might just be the beginning..