Saturday, September 29, 2007 after the other

After being married for several years, you would think you know your spouse and what his tastes are. I thought our tastes were largely similar, atleast when it came to movies and food! I don't know whether it got to be similar after so many years of living together and watching the same movies?

But of late, his tastes seemed awry when he picked up movies from Netflix. I remember thinking after a couple of rotten movies, and I am very wary of watching (in my opinion) horrible movies, how he could have selected these movies. I questioned him on whether he looked at the movie description before he picked it and so on. He reminded me that I was the last person to go into our account and modify what was in our queue. I was quite amazed that I actually picked an Adam Sandler movie. Could I have been so careless as to not notice that? I could not remember. These are the times when you wish that you had better memory. I blamed it on stress. It was not an isolated incident. More movies came along that had a bad after taste. We wondered whether we ran out of movies in our queue and the movies that were delivered were Netflix own picks? But the mystery continued, our hypotheses continued and neither of us found the time to solve it.

The last time I dropped of a movie after we had watched it, things finally made sense. The very next day we saw another movie in our mailbox. Boy! Netflix is fast I thought. Why did I ever consider switching to Block Buster? But the timing was suspicious all the same as I had dropped off the movie late in the afternoon. I picked up the envelope and looked at the address, it was addressed to someone else, it was the same street number and same zip code, but a different street! The mystery was solved finally. I can now stop questioning my own actions, my failing memory (!) and my husband's taste. Atleast when it comes to picking movies.


Suresh Sankaralingam said...

talk about memory loss... If I received a crappy movie by mistake, I would not only claim that I selected it, but I would also defend that the movie was very good...:)

Mad Max said...

@ Bumblebee: lol...that was funny

@ Mindframes: man...u ROCKKKKKKK

Unknown said...

Good one..
Btw, Adam sandler has some good movies too.. (Spanglish is one of them, I liked)

nourish-n-cherish said...

Ha...that was hilarious bumblebee!