Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The magic of 30

30 is indeed a special age. To me it’s the age where one sheds all their fantasies and faces reality. When you are in your late 20s you are still trying to fit in with the early/mid 20s "youth" crowd. When you hit 30 you are grown up. You are "Over the hill" as some like to say. But its not as bad as it sounds. I feel 30 brings a log of freedom and maturity that one must realize and enjoy.

For a while I was resisting being 30. When I was 29 and someone asked my age, I would say I am in my late 20s. I was allowed to say this even when I was 29.9. But when you are 30.0 its not allowed. Even though it is a day apart, you are now in your early thirties. But 1 year past that landmark (there you go I said it, I am more than 30 now) I am able to look back and see how much I seem to have matured. I think my mental maturity was budding from 28/29 and blossomed in 30. Here are few things that I learnt since I hit 30.

1) Others will believe in you only if you strongly believe in yourself.
2) Do only one thing at a time.
3) Be bold and don’t hesitate to call others fault.
4) Pursue what interests you even if its not the most happening thing. Before you do anything, think if you really want to do it or
you are doing it because others think it is cool.
5) Don’t hesitate to tell others how you feel about any situation. Being truthful can win you more friends than trying to be nice.
6) When you meet someone new don’t try to say smart things to impress them. Just say what makes sense.
7) Its ok to be player. You do not have to win always.
8) When someone asks you to something, don’t do it blindly without checking if it makes sense.
…and so many more.

This revelation is exciting and now I am looking forward to the rest of my grown up life where I will learn more about myself. Everyone around us talks like 30 is old age. Something that’s not cool. But I think its great to be 30 or >30 and hope all of you would go through a similar positive experience. And then when you hit 50 its a different story. We will worry about it when we get there.


Suresh Sankaralingam said...

It is interesting to see the contrast between the "Age no bar" blog and yours... To me, age has a society view and a personal view... As long as our personal view mirrors a younger picture of us with accumulated wisdom, maturity and integrity with every passing second/minute/hours/day, I think we are in better shape.

I feel sorry for the elderly people who think they have accumulated wisdom throughout their life, only to be ridiculed by some youngster... I wonder if it is the ignorance in the younger generation that incites them to find new things OR is it the genetic passdown of the ancestor that gives the younger generation enough base to really see the silliness in the elderly wisdom...I dont know...

Survivor said...

A quote by Mark Twain,
"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you have the mind, it doesn't matter".
My thoughts on this..
I would say yes and no to your thoughts.
No,coz I guess it doesn't matter whether you are in your 30s or 20s. People mature only by experiencing difficulties in life and learning from it. There are lots of immature 30 year olds around and it might take them years to grow up.Ofcourse, you can be mature , not old .
Yes, 'coz, as you said, the revelation that comes with learning is exciting and you become a better person and hopefully people learn it atleast by the time they hit their 30s.