Monday, December 31, 2007

Breaking News

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of "All that you can think".

After a long period in hibernation, there are reports of unusual seismic activity emanating from a human brain in the SFO area. At present a consensus cannot be arrived at on the possible effects of such frenetic activity in brainwaves. Experts speculate that an alien attack could be responsible. Sources from the neighborhood seem to confirm the alien angle. As the world is coming to grips with this unusual activity, several questions remain. Why did the alien chose "brainwaves" as their source of attack? Is this likely to be the first and last or do we have more to follow? Has the attack ended? Are we likely to see more activity in the near future? If you have answers to these questions, please feel free to write to us at "All that you can think".

Reporting for "All that you can think" - Mad Max


BrainWaves said...

This is what 11 days of break from day-to-day routine can do.

I have one or two more Short stories I am tempted to add few more blogs to my name but may settle by appending it to the same blog :)


Suresh Sankaralingam said...

@mad-max: There is an mysterious element of coolness that is hidden somewhere behind the PhD image of yours, which I wasnt aware of until now....Great job dude !!

nourish-n-cherish said...

Kalakkals Madmax!

Way to go! This is what a holiday does to Brainwaves :)