Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happenings & Tragedies

You are traveling at 80 miles/hr and the traffic comes almost to a stand still because of all the
rubbernecking at a four car crash on the freeway , making you late for your appointment…..Happening

You break your neck due to a four car crash on the freeway….Tragedy

You watch the World Trade Center crash down in TV - Happening

You are in the North Tower and rush down to save yourself while watching people jump to their death… - Tragedy

Your close friend’s grandmother dies and you console her – Happening

Your grandmother dies - Tragedy

Your friend's loved one gets terminal illness - Happening

You or a loved one gets terminal illness - Tragedy


Suresh Sankaralingam said...

Knowledge of the "happening" can mold your mind to be prepared for a "tragedy... But, only those who have faced a "tragedy" can relate to the corresponding "happening"...

BrainWaves said...

In between happening (just a sad event - far away) and tragedy (event happens to us) there is one more I would add, events that affect you emotionally and you feel empathy etc.

Key difference in all these things is how it affects your day-to-day life. How frequently you are reminded makes a difference at level in which you get affected.

Mad Max said...

Happening is the process...tragedy is a potential outcome...Happening always exists but Tragedy may or may not be the outcome...very interesting post...