Friday, November 04, 2005

Money Money Money....Money

Unless you have a curiosity about how "money" evolved or how it works, dont read this blog. I forget a lot of things that I learn. For some reason, I have this unique habit of forgetting what I should remember and remember what I want to forget. Anyway, I have always wondered about what money is and recently had a discussion with a friend of mine (Sarin) about it which clarified a lot of things. This effort is to collate the thoughts and present it, hopefully, in a clear and concise format.

Well, let us go back several hundreds of years back, but not too back where bartering did not exist. Bartering just means trading by exchanging one commodity over another. Over time, the bartering system needed a standard way of dealing with exchange of commodity. Based on which civilization you look at, you will get pointers that people used shells, leather, silver and gold as a way to standardise the commodity exchange.

But then, there came the concept of a gold smith who would give you a receipt for the amount of gold that you have in store. You can go to the gold smith and deposit gold and get a receipt which you can later use to trade stuff. The assumption is that, the receipt is an entity which anyone can take back to the bank and get the corresponding worth of gold. Over time, the gold smiths realised that people rarely came back to them asking for gold since everybody started using just the receipts to get the stuff they want. Later, there were folks who did not have money and they needed some...who wudnt.. The gold smith figured that he can float receipts as a loan to an individual assuming that not everyone who has gotten receipt from him is going to come back and ask for gold. This is how money gets multiplied.

You should be able to map the gold smith analogy to the modern world as well. Here, the government is the person holding the gold. Banks are the guys who do money multiplication by giving away loans. The only criteria being, the fed controls banks in terms of how much reserve ratio that they should hold. Basically, fed sets the multiplication factor. To understand this better, think of a guy depositing $100 in a bank. Fed will say that 20% of the deposited amount should be paid back to the fed. In other words, the bank can do anything with the remaining $80. Now, if someone asks for a loan, the bank can give away upto $80. Let us say, the person who took the loan buys an item through which the $80 comes back to the bank through the shop. Now, bank gets $80 of which it should again give 20% to the fed ($16). This would mean that they can lend $64 back again in the market. This follows an infinite geometric progression and essentially, for every $100 start money, the bank can eventually give loans of upto another $500 (a/(1-r)). Sounds strange, but thats how it works. On top of it, the bank can get loans from the fed as well...think about that.

The next big question is how does government control money flow ? More money in market would make everyone rich, but the prices would increase proportionately, a condition called inflation. The other way would cause deflation. Controlling inflation is easier. So, most governments try and control inflation than let economy deflate.

Everything in the economy has a cyclic effect. This is the main reason why deflation is bad. If businesses dont do well, they lay off people which in turn would mean that people get less richer which would mean that they reduce spending which would mean that businesses wont do well... The common way through which fed solves this problem is to inject money into the system by relaxing the interest rates and reserve ratio requirements. By doing that, they create money which in turn would make the economy do better. At the sametime, when things go out of control and inflation sets in, they tighten the interest rates, reserve ratio requirements, and supply bonds to get the money out of the market.

In summary, money flows out of fed through the banks to the consumers in the form of loans. Money comes back to fed through banks by repayments and savings and bonds. Anyway, the juggling that fed chairman does is to look at both ends of money flow and make sure that balance exists (increase or decrease interest rates). Remember that if you save money in a bank, you are allowing the bank to multiply it by a big factor! So, having gold and other such immovable assets is not bad after all !!


  1. nice presentation with appropraite example...
    (Your title, reminded me the title song of the reality series "The Apprentice")

    Btw, Can I borrow a $1000 please ?

  2. In order to help you out, I just deposited $1000 in the bank. Now, you can borrow upto $5000 from them...:)

  3. Nice and compact presentation of the idea.

    I read somewhere that, US government stopped depositing gold and/or silve for US dollar from 1980s. Which in longer run can cause artificial inflations.

  4. You are correct... Originally, when money was printed, some x% of its value in gold should be in the reserve. That determined the reserve ratio. Its not true anymore (donno from when)...which means that the fed can print as much money they want if they chose to..:)

    Think about it. Money, as such (paper money), doesnt have any inherent value... Tomorrow, if the fed does some screw up, the money in dollars could be worth nothing... Thats why having assets in the form of gold and land is not a bad idea...

    The following articles is an excellent pointer for hyperinflation...

  5. Just today I heard that you can buy gold in stock market. one of the tickers is GLD.

  6. If I remember correctly the original gold standard was replaced after the world war II when US and allies got together to create the Bretton woods system. This went on for a while until there was a terrible imbalance for deficit prone countries such as Britain and surplus prone countries like Switzerland. Finally in 1971, US announced that the dollar would no more be backed by gold and the Bretton Woods system collapsed.

    I found the readings in very interesting.

  7. Correct me if I am wrong. My understanding is that Bretton woods system tried to setup uniformity across different countries by having common rules though some countries were already practicing similar rules. One such rule was to maintain % of gold in reserve when government wanted to print money.

    The problem with that approach was that, when there was recession or huge deficits in government, that country had to buy huge amount of gold to print new money. Initially, there were proposals to reduce % of gold in reserve. Since that effort failed, the requirement was totally removed.

    If you think about it, gold, as such is no better than any other metals like silver or copper. It is just that, from time immemorial, it has a psychological value. So, major economists say that, removing bretton woods system was a great idea. Once they removed it, gold prices just went up crazy from $35 per ounce to $350 per ounce...What is "deficit" in today's sense, especially when they have to pay another country's debts is another interesting topic to discuss...

    (Thanks for the Wikipedia pointer. It is quite informative...)

  8. As I understand it, the BW system is part-fixed, part-floating exchange rates. Inter-country transaction could be in gold or $. According to US, the fixed exchange rate system with settlement in gold would improve international trade. The US guaranteed they would maintain the value of its currency by backing their $ supply to the gold reserves.

    All currencies were tied to the $. And they could utmost move to 1% above or below their value wrt $. Maintaining this was the other countries responsibility. They did this by intervening in the foreign exchange market to buy back their currency with $ or sell their currency for $.

    Hope I made sense?

  9. Hmmm.. I think I understand it better now...Thanks bumblebee... May be you should write a blog about how money is defined from an international exchange rate point of view...That will make up for an interesting read...

    I'm going to take macro-econ next quarter. Hopefully, it will cover some of these topics...
